vertex cup 2024

June 28th to 30th at TC Angenstein


The Vertex Cup is a national tennis tournament held at TC Angenstein in Aesch (BL), which has been taking place annually since 2021. This year's event will occur from Friday, June 28th to Sunday, June 30th 2024, bringing together tennis enthusiasts from all over Switzerland.

We take pride in providing an outstanding player experience for various CH Top-150 players as well as local talents, consistently placing the athletes at the forefront. To ensure this, we offer a variety of services, including free physiotherapy, hotel accommodations, shuttle service, player tent, catering, and many other amenities.

This year, we anticipate a significant increase in national top players and are introducing the Juniors Vertex Cup for the first time. The Juniors Vertex Cup will take place from Friday, September 13th to Sunday, September 15th 2024, providing young players up to the age of 18 the opportunity to practice on the grand Vertex stage.